Wednesday 2 October 2013

A few words about this blog and the author

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I wanted to write this blog to put forth my ideas and views on the many news that's coming up on 'crimes against women', 'ill treatment of women', 'molestation of women', etc.,

Though I sincerely feel that the guilty should be punished at all cost, I too have family with women folk and want their safety as prime importance.

I was in deep thought on the various opinions voiced in the Print, TV and Digital media these days.

Do you really think seeing the protest boards, that this is a spontaneous protest rally as 'alledged' by media?? - think again..

As most of these medias are projecting - the problem is not that easy to resolve. Else, these could have been resolved much earlier with a setup like present day democracy, centralized government enacting laws and policing on the never seen levels.

On the contrary, I believe, the problem and its answers lie deep in the Indian mindset - which is not totally understood - or worse - mis-intrepreted by the above media, which are trying to project western thoughts and trying to mold the Indian mindset into these Western 'Post-Modern' thoughts. Its like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Will any 'security act' - suddenly like a miracle give protection to all girls in India ( close to half the billion population) - is there enough police personnel for each women folk? - we must think before we say something - these protesters seem to be running high on immediate reaction to some even triggered by media shots ( funded by outside India agencies ) and not thinking on long term solution at all.

Is this protest rally for the raped girl or some anti-social activist group trying to send out media shots - you decide.

Lets see the ground level facts before we proceed.

What the media says:

1) Projecting as if Women have been ill-treated for generation and only western education had given the 'empowerment' that they 'asked for' and 'awaited'.

Are these 'rave parties' the kind of 'Freedom' that women folk wanted?? - or is it the master plan of a few hotels & club resorts?? - think again...

2) Blowing out of proportion, and reporting Indecent scandals against women - without concern for the social standing for the victim - as if they are front page news - there by making the concerned victim more socially stigmatized. These in turn sows evil seeds in young minds who want to try out these 'taboo' things now.. as they seem to make 'NEWS'...

All around the youngsters see only rape scenes in movies and TV serials and hate of betrayed lover boys to take revenge on ex-girl friends - are these going to increase any moral standing of gents in this country??

3) Trying to showcase as if these kinds of ill treatments are only happening in India and that the rest of world is a safe place for women.
( if you find time to read - please read these disturbing stories from UK - a so called 'Developed', 'Western' culture - disclaimer - reader discretion is advised
For instance, please see the place women had in US before 1950 when they got the voting right -

4) To force by the throat - the change they want to see by 'Post - Modern' & 'Western' thought - that their media moguls from west are forcing on India and its 5000+ culture and customs.

5) Trying to project India and Indian mindset as being evil, demonizing Indian culture by 'mis-intrepreting' facts and figures.

These and many more are the state of media that India is facing today as a challenge.

What is a religious organization ( see top right ) funded from outside India - doing these kinds of presentations - who is it targeting and why??? -

The ground facts are:

1) Indian women have been represented in Mythology and Epics as empowered beings.

2) For the past 5000+ years of Indian history, without the present day 'centralized government' and 'police forcing' - Women folk have been able to live and contribute to the greatness and richness of India and its cultural traditions.

3) In comparison to women of west, Indian women have been well empowered even before Indian Independence from the colonial rule - For instance, Women got voting rights in the west only after 1950s and that too after lot of protest marches. Still some western religions with so called 'modern-ness' - still believe women do not posses soul. Compared to this, Women folk have been raised to the status of God in Indian culture.

4) There have been systematic and proper channeling of work activities as well as protection given to women folk in India even before the colonial rule - these and many details will be written down in up-coming posts.

5) Traditional roles of men and women are getting challenged - this is causing tension between the two sexes - both sexes have not come out form their 5000+ years of ingrained activities. Sudden change of female position while the male mindset in family position is not changed. This is causing friction and ego clash within the Indian family set up as well as creating its own breed of disease for Indian women - who have to adapt to the fast paced changes around them.

6) Growing tension due to constant pressure by media and west to constantly project images of rape, ill-treatment and molestation - just to make TRP ratings by the media, demoralize, demonize and derail the progress of India in a post modern world.

Look at how today's models and the media is trying to leverage cheap publicity out of the worst of crimes - is this for their sleazy photo shoot or what - will this going to change any person's behavior is it going to increase the problems???

How many of these protesters are funded by foreign money to create unrest in the country??

These kinds of mass rallies are perfectly choreographed by anti-social elements acting both inside and outside the country against India's developments - rather than trying to sort out the root of problems - these kinds of images just exacerbate the problem further - with no real fruitful measures coming out. These serve only the foreign powers who master mind in destabilizing the peace in a country. The media projects these vandals as if some 'martyrs'.

I will be writing in detail on many of the topics which I have just touched above.

I welcome comments but no harsh feelings if my views are contradictory yours. Its a free world and everybody is entitled for their opinion. Actual freedom is represented when plurality of thoughts are welcomed.

Before you brand me as 'Male Chauvinist' and 'Female oppressor' - I just want to re-assure you that I worship my mother and a female goddess.

To be continued with Historical roots  & mis-information about Indian womanhood....

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